Man oh man I don't like vivid. The crowds, the overpriced foods, and the flashing lights that could send me over the harbour having a seizure (Yes, I am allowed to say that, I am an epileptic)
However my friend came up with the idea of going on a vivid cruise, and a few thoughts came to mind:
a) I have a crippling fear of boats
b) It'll be freezing
c) How could I forget the vivid cruise I went on a few years before, It ended in disaster.
but then I also thought:
a) I won't have to deal with the crowds
b) I get to dance
c) I can use my friend as a life raft if the boat capsizes.
So with my positive spin on things, I begun my research on vivid boats. You would not believe how difficult it was to find a fun, party vivid cruise.
We had so much fun and met some really interesting people. I always love meeting new people at these sort of events and they were so friendly. We also met some travelling Germans. We didn't vibe so much. Even after I told them about my fun German plans for December, they didn't seem too interested. It was even worse when I proceeded to play them some German Rap music that I enjoy. The girls must not have been fond of cool music. Their loss.
If you want to see the lights without the extra hassle, buy a ticket for a party cruise. My ticket cost $30 and I had a lot of fun.
Be sure to eat beforehand because they were only serving hotdogs and they were $8 each. I wasn't spending that on a hotdog and I think you are crazy if you choose too.
In other news, I found a $20 note on the disgusting floor at Cargo Bar. I picked it up, and when the waiter came by to congratulate me on my lucky find, I gave him the money. WHY?! as I gave it to him he asked me if I was sure. I replied with "Of course, go for it!" Like come on Sarah!! I could've put that $20 towards my Europe trip or brunch the next day. As I walked away I told my friend that I just simply didn't need the money, and maybe I was right, but nevertheless that money could've been useful (even if it is only $20). The more I think about it though, I guess I didn't really need it. The money was never mine to begin with so who am I to take it? and perhaps the waiter needed it more than I do.
I am so glad semester 1 is over. While I am still waiting for my final results, I am proud of my other marks. I went from completely failing speech pathology and sitting countless supplementary exams, to receiving four distinctions in my arts subjects. I cannot express the impact this has had on my self esteem and confidence. My anxiety decreased and I found a sense of pride that I hadn't experienced before (Pride without arrogance, of course). If you are scared to make the change, take my experience as inspiration and remember, Just when you think your life has completely fallen apart, it somehow puts itself back together.
Ew that was maybe the cringiest thing I have ever written, but please just lean into it.
I am so thankful for the friends I have made during the semester. When I was doing speech pathology it was easy to make friends because all of us had the same units and majority of us were just doing a bachelor degree (We didn't have majors or minors). However when I changed Uni's I realised it wasn't going to be as simple. I struggled to connect with people in my classes because we would be in that tutorial one week, and then miss five. The consistency was unreliable and that was because it wasn't mandatory to be in class. However in my Performing arts class, almost everyone showed up every week. It was definitely my most interactive class which I suppose is the reason I made more friends in comparison to my other classes. My peers are so groovy and I am so thankful I have met them.